Montien BOONMA

Thailand b.1953–2000

List of works

Arokhayasala: Temple of the mind 1996
Steel, aluminium and herbs
370 x 250 x 250cm
Collection: Acacia Fine Art Limited, Bangkok

Black altar 1995
Aluminium, graphite and herbs
120 x 480 x 100cm
The Kenneth and Yasuko Myer Collection of Contemporary Asian Art. Purchased 2000 with funds from The Myer Foundation. A project of the Sidney Myer Centenary Celebration 1899–1999
Gift through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation
Collection: Queensland Art Gallery

Lotus sound 1992
Terracotta, gilded wood
300 x 350 x 300cm
The Kenneth and Yasuko Myer Collection of Contemporary Asian Art. Purchased 1993 with funds from The Myer Foundation, Michael Myer and Ann Gamble Myer through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation
Collection: Queensland Art Gallery

Salas for the mind 1995
Steel, graphite
4 units: 270 x 100 x 100cm each
Collection: Estate of Montien Boonma, Bangkok

Artists and Works
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