Education Resource Kit

Access Asia On-line Secondary Arts Teaching Materials

The APT2002 Education Resource Kit caters primarily for a secondary audience, although primary educators will find the images in the kit useful and may also wish to adapt and modify other aspects of the kit for classroom use with a primary audience.

The Access Asia series of teaching and learning materials is developed and published by Curriculum Corporation as a program of the Asia Education Foundation. The purpose of the Asia Education Foundation is to promote teaching and learning about Asia in Australian schools. The Foundation is a joint activity of Curriculum Corporation and The University of Melbourne’s Asialink Centre, and is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training. The following materials for secondary Arts students have been developed by Queensland Art Gallery Education Officers and Anne Bamford, Senior Lecturer, Visual Arts and Arts Education at the University of Technology Sydney.

The key aims of this material are to:

develop a greater understanding of contemporary art, with special emphasis on art practice of the Asian region

support and enrich the material already produced by the Queensland Art Gallery for the APT 2002 website with secondary visual art materials.

provide materials relevant to the curriculum outcomes of secondary Arts teachers in all State and Territories.

Visit the Access Asia website at

Curriculum Corporation
Asia Education Foundation

Download and view the APT 2002 Education Resource Kit in separate PDF files by clicking on the links below:

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Information for teachers

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